Un weekend in Sicila: Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking School


Parlando dell´Italia ho sempre sostenuto che il posto piú bello da visitare fosse la Sicilia, visitata giá due volte ma mai veramente goduta a pieno.

Quindi questa volta dovendo scendere a Palermo per un servizio ero […]

Un weekend in Sicila: Anna Tasca Lanza Cooking School2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00

Martini & Rhubarb


Rabarbaro 7552_SabrinaRossi

Sometimes you don´t need to go out, you just want chill out at home, maybe with the one you loved, or with your best friend […]

Martini & Rhubarb2016-11-06T11:42:47+01:00

Picnic per 2


Some ideas and recipe that I want to share with you perfect for a fast and simple romantic picnic in the park.

Idee Picnic

I […]

Picnic per 22016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Parmigiana di Zucchine


The spring is coming at least this what it´s said here in Malmö. After 5 days of temperature over 6 degrees it is officially spring.

I like the idea. I can say that the spring is […]

Parmigiana di Zucchine2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00
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