Amalfi Coast… another flashback


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Finalmente tra viaggi, cene e lavoro ritaglio un pò di tempo e scrivo.

La mia estate è iniziata presto…infatti era ancora primavera ritengo infatti che […]

Amalfi Coast… another flashback2016-11-06T11:42:41+01:00

Artichoke…don´t forget that I am flower!



Deep fried artichokes, Jews Roman Style.

There are just two special ingredients for this simple amazing recipe: roman artichokes and olive oil (a lot).

The roman artichokes have a big, short and firm flower. This is not […]

Artichoke…don´t forget that I am flower!2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Picnic per 2


Some ideas and recipe that I want to share with you perfect for a fast and simple romantic picnic in the park.

Idee Picnic

I […]

Picnic per 22016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00

Affogato al caffé


Click on the picture to watch the video

Art Director: Andrea Papini   Photographer: Sabrina Rossi

Affogato al caffé2016-11-06T11:42:49+01:00

Just Pizza


There are no so many thinks to say about the pizza! Almost everyone love it! Everyone has his favorite pizza.

Here you´ll find the basic recipe for the pizza with sourdough “Neapolitan-style”. High, crunchy and taste […]

Just Pizza2016-11-06T11:42:49+01:00

Cantucci (English)


(if you would like to see the italian version of this post. Clicca sul link per la ricetta in italiano).

We moved here but our heritage of […]

Cantucci (English)2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00

Parmigiana di Zucchine


The spring is coming at least this what it´s said here in Malmö. After 5 days of temperature over 6 degrees it is officially spring.

I like the idea. I can say that the spring is […]

Parmigiana di Zucchine2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00

Snow (Neve)


Coming back home after a day of work. I am sitting on the train right now.

Outside there is a beautiful sunset, blue dipping in the red and the reflections of the sun on […]

Snow (Neve)2016-11-06T11:42:51+01:00
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