A photographer in a real Kitchen… Cooking School
Sabrina2016-11-06T11:42:41+01:00Una divista Bianca, La toque un set di coltelli e.. una macchina fotografica
(English text after read more)
Ormai sono passati mesi…
Ma rileggevo alcuni appunti per “post mai postati” ed eccone uno di qualche […]
Day 4: Good morning Sicily
Sabrina2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00Sto scoprendo con mio sommo piacere che le specialitá siciliane sono i dolci e i primi.
I am discovering with really great pleasure that Sicilian delicatesse are mainly desserts and first course…
Day1 at Case Vecchie: L´ispirazione vien mangiando
Sabrina2016-11-06T11:42:43+01:00Day 1. Travelling from Rome, work and dinner.
Giorno 1. Viaggiando da Roma, lavoro e cena.
So here I am again, Case Vecchie. This time I am here to work with […]
Cooking Memories…
Sabrina2016-11-06T11:42:48+01:00Sometimes I found my self telling people about my childhood and, most of the times, these are stories about me in the kitchen with my mum baking or looking at her while she´s cooking.
So that´s […]
Parmigiana di Zucchine
Sabrina2016-11-06T11:42:50+01:00The spring is coming at least this what it´s said here in Malmö. After 5 days of temperature over 6 degrees it is officially spring.
I like the idea. I can say that the spring is […]