Wow! I have done “my first” wedding!
I was almost freaking out the day before but when I arrived to the bride’s home I started to take picture…with the camera in my hands…everything was ok!
Andrea was my second photographer. I wouldn’t be able to do anything without his support.
The bride? Oh Barbara was amazing so peacefull and smiling! Perfect!
It was amazing when Massimiliano (the Groom) saw her in the church he couldn’t resist to say “wow Sei Bellissima” (Or something really similar…sorry I was really excited too).
(photo by Andrea Papini)
I saw them really happy all the day and after 12 hours of pictures I was really exausted but I had a new good friend.
Thank you Barbara and Massimiliano to let us partecipate to this important day.
Thank you for the opportunity to be your photographer!